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CH NO a b B
CHKT 2.5x15 2.5 14.8 15
CHKT 2.5x20 2.5 19.8 20
CHKT 2.5x9.7 2.5 9.5 9.7
CHKT-1.5X25 1.5 24.5 25
CHKT-1.5X10 1.5 9.8 10
CHKT-1.5X12 1.5 11.8 12
CHKT-1.5X15 1.5 14.8 15
CHKT-1.5X5.6 1.5 5.4 5.6
CHKT-2.5X25 2.5 24.5 25
CHKT-2.5X5.6 2.5 5.4 5.6
CHKT-2X10 2 9.8 10
CHKT-2X9.7 2 9.5 9.7

Carsten Holm Sealing Solutions is not responsible for any typing errors and technical changes.

Please notice not all items are stock items.

Additional tool costs may occur.