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CH NO d - dp Db - D B n
CH98-019 19.05 25.4 6.98 3
CH98-022 22.23 28.58 3.51 3
CH98-025 25.4 31.75 6.98 3
CH98-025/1 25.4 34.93 5.28 4
CH98-025/2 25.4 34.93 8.71 4
CH98-025/3 25.4 38.1 6.98 4.5
CH98-031 31.75 38.1 6.98 3
CH98-031/1 31.75 41.28 8.71 4
CH98-038 38.1 47.63 8.71 4
CH98-038/1 38.1 47.63 10.49 4
CH98-038/2 38.1 50.8 10.49 4.5
CH98-044 44.45 53.98 10.49 4
CH98-044/1 44.45 63.5 18.3 6
CH98-045 45 53 8.8 4
CH98-045/1 45 55 6.6 4
CH98-045/2 45 65 11 6
CH98-045/3 45 60 12.1 5
CH98-045/4 45 60 11 5
CH98-045/5 45 55 11 4
CH98-047 47.62 63.5 12.65 5
CH98-047/1 47.62 57.15 14.48 4
CH98-050 50.8 60.33 10.49 4
CH98-050/1 50.8 63.5 10.49 4.5
CH98-050/2 50 58 8.8 3.5
CH98-050/3 50 60 6.6 4
CH98-050/4 50 63 9.9 4.5
CH98-053 53 63 8.03 4
CH98-055 55 65 6.6 4
CH98-057 57.15 69.85 6.98 4.5
CH98-060 60 68 8.8 3.5
CH98-060/1 60 70 6.6 4
CH98-060/2 60 75 9.9 5
CH98-063 63.5 76.2 10.49 4.5
CH98-069 69.85 82.55 10.48 4.4
CH98-076 76.2 88.9 10.49 4.5
CH98-088 88.9 101.6 10.49 4.5
CH98-092 92.08 101.6 10.49 4
CH98-105 105 120 9.9 5
CH98-106 106 120 9.35 5
CH98-103 109 125 11.55 5
CH98-139 139.7 165.1 20.96 6.5

Carsten Holm Sealing Solutions is not responsible for any typing errors and technical changes.

Please notice not all items are stock items.

Additional tool costs may occur.